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国内阀门行业迅猛发展 The rapid development of the domestic valve industry
来源: | 作者:wanan | 发布时间: 1643天前 | 1094 次浏览 | 分享到:
阀门由于要适应各种不同工况条件的要求广泛应用于国计民生的各个领域。200X减压阀因而它品种繁多数量巨大。国的阀门制造业十分庞大,阀门厂家数以千计,普及全国,目前我国已成为全球阀门产量和市场需求量最大的国家之一。 从我们上个世纪的“十阀九漏”,到现在不少产品出口国外,我国阀门行业取得很大进步。

阀门由于要适应各种不同工况条件的要求广泛应用于国计民生的各个领域。200X减压阀因而它品种繁多数量巨大。国的阀门制造业十分庞大,阀门厂家数以千计,普及全国,目前我国已成为全球阀门产量和市场需求量最大的国家之一。 从我们上个世纪的“十阀九漏”,到现在不少产品出口国外,我国阀门行业取得很大进步。
       据不完全统计,当前我国阀门企业约6000余家,而其中年产值超过500万元的有900余家。阀门的产值是风机压缩机和泵三者的总和,是占整个机械工业产值约5%。同时,作为技术装备的重要组成部分,尤其是在石化、电力、冶金、石化、城市供排水系统中,阀门更是起着非常关键作用,而且用量非常大。但是国内阀门行业大多为中小企业,良莠不齐300X缓闭止回阀,年产值超亿元的不到10家,即使与国内其他机械行业相比,无论在装备上还是技术水平上也存在很大的差异,真正具有独立研究开发高端产品能力的单位很少。 但来自中国通用机械工业协会阀门分会的资料显示,在我国每年阀门成交额高达500亿元上下,却有100多亿元的阀门被国外阀门企业占领,想要改变这种现状,就得通过提高阀门质量创新技术是关键的关键。

Valves are widely used in various fields of national economy and people's livelihood due to the requirements of various working conditions. The 200X pressure reducing valve therefore has a huge variety of products. China's valve manufacturing industry is very large, with thousands of valve manufacturers spreading across the country. At present, China has become one of the countries with the largest valve output and market demand in the world. From our “ten valves and nine leaks” in the last century, to now many products are exported abroad, China's valve industry has made great progress.
       According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 6,000 valve companies in China, of which more than 900 have an annual output value of more than 5 million yuan. The output value of the valve is the sum of the blower compressor and the pump, which accounts for about 5% of the output value of the entire machinery industry. At the same time, as an important part of technical equipment, especially in petrochemical, electric power, metallurgy, petrochemical, and urban water supply and drainage systems, valves play a very key role, and the amount is very large. However, most of the domestic valve industry is small and medium-sized enterprises. Good and bad 300X slow-closing check valves are uneven. There are less than 10 companies with an annual output value of more than 100 million yuan. Even compared with other domestic machinery industries, there is a great deal of equipment and technical level. The difference is that there are few units that truly have the ability to independently research and develop high-end products. However, data from the Valve Branch of the China General Machinery Industry Association shows that the annual turnover of valves in China is as high as 50 billion yuan, but more than 10 billion yuan of valves are occupied by foreign valve companies. If you want to change this situation, you must improve Valve quality innovation technology is the key to it.
        There are 12 factory-run research institutes and 2 professional research institutes in China. There are about 6000 scientific researchers engaged in product development and valve research. There is one ministerial-level inspection center and two sub-centers, which can carry out general valves, general valves and traps. The performance test and functional research on it, I believe that the domestic valve industry will develop rapidly.
